
2022-12-29 08:49:00

もうすぐ2022年が終わりますね..... 来年1月は完全に立命館大学にお世話になりますwww.来季の出店希望申し込もしましたよん。

2022 is almost over.... All store openings next January will be held at Ritsumeikan University www. I also made an entry to open a store at BKC next term.

2022-12-13 18:45:00


Since the vehicle's mechanical trouble repair has not been completed yet, tomorrow's BKC Ranch Street, Across Wing side store will be cancelled.

2022-12-12 19:36:00


Since the vehicle's mechanical trouble repair has not been completed yet, tomorrow's BKC Ranch Street, Across Wing side store will be cancelled.

2022-12-08 09:41:00


Due to mechanical problems with the kichin car, the stall will be cancelled on the BKC Exel side today.

2022-12-02 23:56:00


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